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Little by little, make that "box by box", I am getting my home office sorted. Homer is helping. Today, I was putting away the last of the "stuff" from this box, and when I turned back around, there he was. I couldn't help but be impressed - because the box was not fully on the desk and he could have toppled it, and him, off.
The ibis around Marrickville were out in force today and I was stunned to see a pair of them "tight-rope walking" across electricity lines spanning Marrickville Road. On balance, they did not look as though they were having a good time.
If I was at all concerned about liking telecommuting, this morning has helped sway me to the positive. Just before 9am the doorbell rang and it was a courier with a package for me ... Season 10 (final) for StarGate SG-1 - which was very exciting because I hadn't purchased one and can only figure that it was from a competition I had previously entered (or some kind person recognising my name on a database and sending me same). Either way - thanks!
In the throes of cleaning up/out "my shed" today, I found a couple of things that had slipped from my mind ... my calligraphy practice pad; and the box from my Star Trek jigsaw puzzle - itself long gone now - but memorable for the fact that I had placed all but the last two pieces when my partner decided to help out - and taking the piece that belonged in the stars, she proceeded to pound it in to place - until I gently stopped her, and turned it the right way around so it would slip gently into position.
I'd never really taken time out to look at our national animal emblems adorning the Supreme Court Building in Sydney - because if I had, the eyes of the emu would have been cause for some alarm (even concern).
The Arts of Islam exhibition has just finished at the NSW Art Gallery.
Thoughts of Queensland. On my recent trip I discovered my favourite fruit "barn" had closed, so I went to the one across the highway ... where they weren't sure if they were selling JAB or JAP pumpkins. (I am reliably informed that JAP means ... Just A Pumpkin.)
Welcome to the St Brigid's Church, Marrickville, affectionately know to locas as "The Mozzie Zapper" - this is actually one of the palm trees in the grounds which is home to a flock - perhaps more than one - of ibis (? plural).